Dear YAFA member,
It is our pleasure to welcome you in Youth Association of Foreign Affairs (YAFA). The YAFA Passport is one of the essential parts of our association, serving as a record of YAFA activities (including embassy visits, lectures and gatherings) that you participate in. The more active you are within the association, the more stamps you will collect; these will allow you different privileges as you work up from Freshman to Ambassador!


1. YAFA Freshman
Every YAFA member receives the status of ‘Freshman’ when they join our association and first receive their passport. Freshman, like all members with a passport, can enjoy priority in registering for our embassy visits, lectures and activities; these activities will be free of charge to members unless otherwise stated.
2. YAFA Young Diplomat
After participating in three lectures or embassy visits, members become a YAFA ‘Young Diplomat’. As well as priority for events, they will receive an exclusive YAFA notebook.
3. YAFA Senior Diplomat
Members become a YAFA ‘Senior Diplomat’ after the participation in six lectures or embassy visits. On becoming a ‘Senior Diplomat’, members receive an exclusive YAFA bag and pen.
4. YAFA Ambassador
Only the members who show great commitment will achieve the status of YAFA ‘Ambassador’ after attending eight lectures of embassy visits. In order to receive an Ambassador's stamp, they will have help organize an event themselves for the association. Our ‘Ambassadors’ will receive a book in English or Chinese to add to their YAFA notebook, bag and pen and, as well as absolute priority attending embassy visits and lectures. On embassy visits, they will receive priority in choosing their seat as well as contributing to themes and discussions.


We look forward to seeing you build up your experience and knowledge of Foreign Affairs through YAFA and tracking your progress with you through your own YAFA passport. Enjoy!